Engagement matters when it comes to remote employees You’ve probably felt it before. You’re alone in a quiet house. The kids are finally back in school. Your partner is running errands. You have a day full of meetings, but after the cameras turn off and everyone hits...
A wellness program should generate endorphins According to Merriam-Webster, the term “endorphin” refers to any of a group of endogenous peptides (such as enkephalin) found especially in the brain that bind chiefly to opiate receptors and produce some pharmacological...
What does white-glove service mean for corporate wellness? In the transportation industry, white-glove service takes a more literal meaning. By definition, white-glove services means movers or shippers literally wear white gloves to protect the product. But when it...
Our top-10 Challenges-of-the-Day in 2020 Our Challenges-of-the-Day (CODs) are one of the most popular aspects of our wellness program. Each day, our members have access to a health-related challenge, which offers them a tidbit of health info and an opportunity to...
The domino effect of burnout is real, and it’s not a game Everyone felt burnt out in 2020 — scratch that, we still feel that way. January 1, 2021 didn’t magically take away the problems and challenges of the 365 days before it. Inauguration didn’t settle the...