“My success started with Sonic Boom. I had a treadmill, but it was barely used. When I got my tracker, I began to walk more. When I walked more, I lost weight and felt better. When I felt better, I walked more and began other exercises. When I walked more, I...

  What inspired you to adopt a healthier lifestyle? “A number of factors contributed to me adopting a healthier lifestyle. As with many in my situation, my weight was out of control and I wasn’t feeling like myself. A trip to the ER forced me to see what...

  What inspired you to adopt a healthier lifestyle?  “My boys are 2 and 4 now, so I couldn’t use the excuse “oh I just had a baby” anymore. I would see photos of myself pre-babies and kept saying, ‘oh I will get back to that’ but never did anything about...

What inspired you to adopt a healthier lifestyle? “I was always involved in sports growing up, but as I aged, that slowed down and the weight sped up! In 2014, I decided enough was enough. My clothes were always tight, I had no energy, and I just spent money on...